Important: You must select a main category (Short Film or Feature Film) to be eligible to submit more works in the sub-categories. This will also give every filmmaker an equal chance to win Film of the Month.

What are we looking for?

Storytelling martial arts or action films presented in a narrative (fictional) format

Standalone martial arts or action scenes

Short films are 30 minutes or less (including end credits),

Feature films are 60 minutes or more

When submitting your film, please note:

 You agree to use parts of your film (including trailers/teasers/film posters/stills) for promotional purposes.

Entry fees are non-refundable.

 Each filmmaker may submit multiple works, each of which may be selected in multiple categories.

Films will not be screened online.

We do not accept:

Amateur videos

Extremist or propaganda content from religious or political organizations

Films dealing with politics/films promoting political agendas

Films with poor production standards (poor sound, missing subtitles/titles for non-English films, video resolution below 720p HD)


Upload an official poster

Plot synopsis

Vimeo/Youtube link or upload your film to the FilmFreeway submission page.

We do not accept DVDs, Blu-rays or DCP files. We accept all genres in all languages from all over the world. Please select the correct category when submitting to avoid disqualification.

The International Action Film Awards is hereby granted the right to use excerpts from any submitted film for promotional purposes of the Festival. The person or company submitting the film hereby warrants that it has the right to submit the film for screening and understands and accepts these requirements, rules and regulations. The competition reserves the right to reject entries.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the International Action Film Awards from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and court costs) arising from any claims involving copyright, trademark, credit, publicity, screening and loss or damage to the screening video of the entry.

By submitting your film to the International Action Film Awards, the person or company submitting the film hereby warrants that it has the right to screen the film and understands and accepts these requirements, rules and regulations.